Our Marvin staff does so much for us, especially now!
That’s why we want to show our thanks.
That's why we are starting a thankful letter writing campaign for the month of November. All letters are due to the office before we go on Thanksgiving break.
We will be sending home the following details so everyone has a printout of the thankful cards, but you can feel free to download them from here as well and get started.
To show your thanks follow the below steps:
1. Visit www.marvinpta.com/events and register/RSVP to write your favorite staff members a thankful note. We want to make sure every staff member gets at least one letter.
2. Use the attached cards. Cut out each one and write to your favorite staff member.
3. Send it or drop it off in the office at school. If you need more cards, email marvinpta@gmail.com and we will get you more.