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Teacher Spotlight: Erica Cruz


Name: Erica Cruz

Grade: Third

Your background:

I was born and raised in Norwalk. I attended Naramake, Nathan Hale Middle School, and Norwalk High School. I received my Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and my Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Connecticut. This is my first year teaching third grade at Marvin and absolutely LOVE it!

What do you love about teaching 3rd grade?

I have enjoyed watching my students grow as readers, writers, and mathematicians!

Teachers are the frontline workers for our children in this pandemic. What has been your biggest challenge or adjustment this year?

The biggest adjustment this year has been learning how to teach/learn virtually and in person. Not having and seeing all my students in person has been a big adjustment and learning opportunity but we continue to learn from one another every day!

What is your biggest motivation this year and what are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my students this year! This year hasn’t been easy by any means but seeing how hard they work each day and how much they have accomplished has been my biggest motivation.

Why did you become a teacher?

I wanted to become a teacher because I’ve always enjoyed working with children. Watching them learn and grow everyday reminds me of how lucky I am to do this job.

A fun fact about you!

I come from a family of teachers! I’ve had many relatives who have been educators in different fields. In fact, one of my aunts is also a third grade teacher in El Salvador.

What we love about Ms. Cruz!

“Ms.Cruz is the best third grade teacher in the world she makes me look forward to going to school every day. I love the fun writing she makes us do!”

Wilhelmina Allan, current 3rd grade student

“I only hear good things about Ms. Cruz from Wilhelmina. She’s feeling confident and happy this year, no easy feat during the pandemic. I know Ms. Cruz is a big part of this, and she’s encouraged Wilhelmina to stretch and explore her own interests in writing and reading.”

– Kristin Allan, Marvin parent

“Erica is an asset not only to the third-grade team but to the entirety of Marvin School. They don't make teachers like Ms. Cruz...She is a wonder! We adore her.

Ms. Cruz is the type of person who lifts you up! When she walks into the room she has a smile on her face, a positive attitude and knows just the right thing to say to spread her warmth around to everyone else! It’s a true blessing to have her on our team!”

– Mrs. Mumbach, Ms. Deeb and Ms. Johnson, the rest of Marvin’s 3rd grade teaching team!

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